Friday, February 20, 2015


If you're having trouble deciding whether your friend is a true friend, then your relationship must already be rocky. If you want to decide whether your friend is in the friendship for the right reasons, you have to pay attention to what they say, what they do, and how they make you feel.
  • Friendship, like many things, has degrees. Real friendship takes a high degree of commitment from both people; many people can't or won't reciprocate that sort of trust without betraying it. Don't kill a good friendship because it can't be perfect - remember, you won't be able to hold on to true friends if you are in the habit of betraying others.
  • True friends are always there for you.
  • If your "friend" is talking to someone else all the time and never talks to you unless you start the conversation it's not a good relationship.
  • True friends will try to include you in everything.
  • True friends won't lie to you.
  • If they are a true friend, they won't get jealous if you are with someone else.
  • A true friend accepts you for who you are.
  • True friends always have your back. They back you up in tough situations and are always there for you to lean on.
  • Don't weigh positive actions against negative ones. A true friend should not do things such as talk about you behind your back, or steal things from you, or lie to you - no matter how nice that he/she seems.
  • Talk to them about your doubts, but don't accuse them of anything.

  • Don't lie to yourself about being friends with someone that does not feel the same way for you. Ultimately, you would only be hurting yourself.
  • Don't lie to your friends because if you lie to them, you will probably get lied to back. Or, worse, they may reject you as a friend, if you are dishonest about very important things, and they catch you lying to them. If you have to do something drastic, be truthful to them!
  • Don't repeatedly and/or rudely question your friend. You might be doing more harm than good, particularly if your friendship is legitimate.
Culled from:  Wikihow

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